Rev. Ron McCorkle, Ph.D
Rev. Ron McCorkle, Ph.D., is a Licensed Diplomat with the American Psychotherapist Association with over 45 years of experience in the field of adult mental health and gerontology. In addition to providing counseling and psychotherapy services, He is a Certified Medical Hypnotherapist, Emotion Release Bodyworker and a Level-II EMDR™ Practitioner. He is also a Religious Science-Science of Mind Practitioner. He also Studied Guided Imagery and Music (GIM) with Helen Bonny, Co-founder of the Institute for Consciousness and Music.
As a former Board-Certified Music Therapist and Certified Therapeutic Recreation Specialist and accomplished musician, Ron incorporates his experience with the expressive arts into providing therapeutic intervention by meeting his clients wherever they are with whatever challenge they may be facing. Providing the affirmation, “YOU CAN DO THIS!” helping you to become the best possible you that you can be. Clients are provided options for assisting with development of their personalized treatment strategy.
All services are personal and private with fees determined based on personal resources and need.
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 816-582-6533